By Abdul Somad Kamis, 29 Oktober 2020 Business Interruption Coverage COVID-19 Direct Physical Loss Virus Exclusion *** COVID-19 BI LITIGATION RULINGS BY THE NUMBERS *** (through Oct. 29, 2020) I have seen a "scorecard that, together with the cases that I and others on LinkedIn have reported , tallies the COVID-19 business inte...
By Abdul Somad Senin, 26 Oktober 2020 Toll or Suspension -- What's Due on November 4th? I am beginning to question my office's present position on whether New York Executive Order § 202.8 and its subsequent extensions opera...
By Abdul Somad Oktober 26, 2020 Fraud No-Fault Preliminary Injunction RICO Stay of Arbitration Unjust Enrichment What Is New York's No-Fault Scheme Ill-Equipped to Handle? (The right answer is not "claims".) NO-FAULT – RICO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION – PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION STAYING COLLATERAL ARBITRATIONS & LITIGATION – MOTION TO DISMISS GEICO v...
By Abdul Somad Oktober 26, 2020 Grammar What Should a Lawyer Sound Like? (Hint: Never use four words when three will do.) No, this is not the set up to another lawyer joke. And I'm not asking for a friend. On my LinkedIn account I recently shared Inc. Ma...
By Abdul Somad Selasa, 06 Oktober 2020 Contractual Suit Limitations Period COVID-19 Statute of Limitations This Is Your Last Tolling! -- Executive Order No. 202.67 Extends COVID-19 Tolling of Procedural Time Limits Through November 4, 2020 For the sixth time since New York's COVID-19 toll of "any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any leg...